Saturday, November 22, 2008

34 year old, with a 13 year old girl!!

today was one of the most interesting days of my life! I was hanging out with my mate, who happens to be 34 years old, and he decides to invite some girls over- girls that he had met in a club a couple of weeks ago. Then, when you see the girls, you realize that you know the girls, and that they used to be the most godly people that i used to know...what's worse is that one of the girls ( that my 34yr old friend was gonna hang out with ) is 16 and the other one is 13!!! what's even worse is that my friend met the 13 year old first, adn got her number!!!

seroiusly, i was disgusted, but i was also intrigued at how crazy life in this country is ... this sort of thing happens all the time...

life is crazy!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Goals...Always on mind

Yesterday, I was thinking about speaking french and Italian, about learning sign language, about visiting south America, about starting my band or just singing in front of an audience anywhere. I thought about these same thoughts today too. These are everyday occurrences- i think about it all the time. Its like an obsession. I don't know if this is normal- is it?

The funny thing about this is that when i am supposed to be thinking about economics or T-accounts at university, I am instead thinking about this stuff.It kinda makes me wonder if i am on the wrong path in life. I wonder if i should be changing these thoughts into actions, instead of fulfilling the goals that society wants me to be doing. The parents want me to 'out-do' them; to succeed in life; to earn more money than they did; to be a successful family man/ actuary/financial analyst- but isn't it more important to ENJOY LIFE? accounts is not on my list of favorite things to be doing.. speaking french is!!

Everyone says that ' you have your whole life ahead of you', but do i really?...
after my degree, most people are expecting me to start working, and there is no time for doing another degree in linguistics in my parents' view.. what should i do?

i really wonder if i am the only person who feels like this? If you feel it too- tell me about. I need to hear from others in my position

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lovers can (never ) be friends

Lovers can (never) be friends

I was recently thinking about what lessons I learnt this semester at university and of the many that popped up in my mind, the most striking was the realization that ‘friends with benefits’ doesn’t mean what it sounds like-is an oxymoron. You can either be friends or people with benefits, but not both! You’re probably thinking ‘this idiot is just talking crap’, but hear me out a little before you throw my stuff down the toilet (pun intended!)

Honestly, what is a friend? Someone whom you trust, respect, love (in a familial way) or look up to- you can’t deny that these are aspects you look for in a friend. So how does a FWB (friend with benefits) fit in with these attributes? Not very well, and to be honest, not in the way you want a true friend to fit the description!

Things happened this semester with people that I thought were my friends and now I realized that these people weren’t really friends- they were either more than, or less than, but never a real friend. If you can use someone for the ‘benefits’ without feeling, then clearly you have very little respect for them and chances are that you are not going to tell girl X your life secrets the net day when you guys are hanging out- if that FWB is merely there to benefit you!

I think that the point above was the rather obvious one, but the even more shocking one (for me at least) was that the FWB that you do end up telling your secrets are not really your FWB’s; they mean a lot more. You are probably repressing feelings for that person. Seriously, think about it- You are making out ( at the very least) with this person, and then you get cozy and start delving into each other’s secrets- sounds like a relationship to me.

If you think about, FWB are really one (or maybe, several) night stands with people you know you’ll see the next day- that’s messed up! It really is as cold as it sounds. Probably, in the FWB relationship, the two people are on opposite sides of this article. One cares too much and the other, not at all. Think about it, which one are you...?