Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Goals...Always on mind

Yesterday, I was thinking about speaking french and Italian, about learning sign language, about visiting south America, about starting my band or just singing in front of an audience anywhere. I thought about these same thoughts today too. These are everyday occurrences- i think about it all the time. Its like an obsession. I don't know if this is normal- is it?

The funny thing about this is that when i am supposed to be thinking about economics or T-accounts at university, I am instead thinking about this stuff.It kinda makes me wonder if i am on the wrong path in life. I wonder if i should be changing these thoughts into actions, instead of fulfilling the goals that society wants me to be doing. The parents want me to 'out-do' them; to succeed in life; to earn more money than they did; to be a successful family man/ actuary/financial analyst- but isn't it more important to ENJOY LIFE? accounts is not on my list of favorite things to be doing.. speaking french is!!

Everyone says that ' you have your whole life ahead of you', but do i really?...
after my degree, most people are expecting me to start working, and there is no time for doing another degree in linguistics in my parents' view.. what should i do?

i really wonder if i am the only person who feels like this? If you feel it too- tell me about. I need to hear from others in my position

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