Saturday, November 22, 2008

34 year old, with a 13 year old girl!!

today was one of the most interesting days of my life! I was hanging out with my mate, who happens to be 34 years old, and he decides to invite some girls over- girls that he had met in a club a couple of weeks ago. Then, when you see the girls, you realize that you know the girls, and that they used to be the most godly people that i used to know...what's worse is that one of the girls ( that my 34yr old friend was gonna hang out with ) is 16 and the other one is 13!!! what's even worse is that my friend met the 13 year old first, adn got her number!!!

seroiusly, i was disgusted, but i was also intrigued at how crazy life in this country is ... this sort of thing happens all the time...

life is crazy!!

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