Monday, July 14, 2008

The beginning of my blogging journey...

I thought that the first blog should be a general one, seeing as I am introducing myself to... well, anyone lucky enough to see and read this!

I wont bore you with generalities like '' my name is ... and I do such-and-such''; that's what a profile page is for, isn't it? But I will tell you what I think you should know about me-( wait for it, its gonna be good) I AM A NORMAL GUY!

Ok, it doesn't sound too great at first, but let me explain- the trend is that you only blog, or express yourself in general, if and when you have something extraordinary to contribute. Well, i think that's crap. There is a shortage of normalcy ( is that really a word... the spell-checker didn't disagree, so i'll take that as a yes!) in this world, and I wanna try change that by putting my contribution.

Not to say that my life is not full of extraordinary things; in fact, at the moment, I can fully describe myself as a regular guy who has really cool things happening to and around him!! Like, a couple of days ago, I got a producer coming up to me, offering a small contract to sing at a promotion. The funny thing is that he heard me singing at a gig where I and my friends were actually hired to DANCE!! cool... I'll tell you all about it soon.


ps: I like this blogging thing, I think its gonna become a regular thing.

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