Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The ways of the world- Gay VS Lesbian

2 or 3 girls sitting together, chatting and checking out cute guys- a scene automatically shrugged off as '' girls' night out', but the same scenario with guys will raise the eyebrow of any passerby. <>

But, what ever happened to 'the benefit of the doubt'?. Girls get it, so why not guys? It really kinda sucks for straight guys (like me) when your cute waitress comes and, after one look, takes a tiny step back, then stands just that bit further away,every time she returns to your table!!

I ask this because it happened to me today!! After going to watch a movie with a friend of mine from University, we went to Spur, and our cute waitress, whose name I can't remember, had the nerve to ask us if she should ' light the candle' that was at the center of our table!! To be honest, stuff like this does not really offend me; on the contrary, I find it really funny. But, I'd really like to know why men and women are viewed differently in terms of their sexual tendencies- another example would be how/why guys have many lesbian fantasies, but you'll never hear a girl dreaming about 2 guys getting at it!! I want to know WHY this is so... anybody? ( replies are most welcome!!)

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