Friday, July 25, 2008

Back at Uni

Ahh... University. Back to the random friends who I enjoy spending time with, but they add no value in my life, except for entertainment value!

Its been a week at uni, and I already wish i didnt have to wake up at 7.30, in order to get to my first lecture at 9. Then the day lingers on, while I fall asleep in most of my lectures( seriously.. I always fall alseep in my lectures- statictics is the worst...)

Finally, my day ends at 4, and I go to res adn sleep. This has become a ritual. Then there is the freids.. ahh, I like them. They are cool, yet down to earth... we all have our weirdo moments, but its seems that when i am with them, then moments are many!

My friends make University bearable. What would i do without them...

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