Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why is Life such a bitch?!

Why can't there be a big board that appears when you hit a certain age, say 15, that says ' Tapuwa Mwashita- destined to become an investment banker'. Why does life have to make it so hard?...

Everyone says that one should have a career in something that they enjoy, but in reality, its not that simple- I, for example, love mathematics( ok, that could work... how about a maths degree- mathematicians are in high demand these days) but i also love languages, and I'm interested in mythology, and reptiles and chemistry. Let's see, how about becoming an ancient herpitologist with a major in organic molecules ( think about it...). So which one is my DESTINY?

I realise that now is not the best time to be airing my views on this- honestly, its a good 2 years late, since I'm in my first year of Actuarial Science! I guess this is a mixture of confusion, anxiety and doubt in my choices talking, but really!! Is my compass aiming the direction? The one thing I really don't want is to spend years doing something, then realizing it sucks!! But hey, who knows what life has in store... as the name suggests, I'll just have to live with whatever comes my way.

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