Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What are the chances!!!

What are the chances that on the one day that you go to the cinema to watch a movie, the electricity is cut off in the whole mall?... very slim, right?

Well, it happened to me!!Today!! Before I tell you what happened, let me give you some background information- I have overprotective parents; the kind that give their 20 year old son a 9 pm curfew. I don't usually go out much ( why go out when you are going to leave even before the good stuff begins), so when i do go out, I try to make it really fun. I had heard that Hancock is a good movie, and my friend is always good company( never any awkward silences when we are together- in fact, there is never usually a minute of peace and quiet when we are together!!)

So, we get to the movie and we watch a good 3/4 of it then, as Charlize is about to confront Will...Bam!Lights out, Screen off, complete darkness. None of the cinema employees come to tell anything, so everyone in the movie house starts doing their own thing, trying to pass the time away.. you have girls singing, some random guy playing rave music in the back, then you have my friend and I watching videos off our phones and laughing our heads off.

After about 30 minutes, employee finally comes and tells us to line up outside and get a refund ticket. Don't ask how, but my friend and I managed to get 2 tickets each, so we're gonna try the whole movie thing again soon...

But really... A blackout in the mall... at that very moment in time...what are the chances!!

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