Saturday, July 19, 2008

I ate a Zebra Steak today- no, really, I did!

Forget the old fashioned beef rump steak or the timeless classic- the T-bone, today I ate a steak that came from the rump ( i love this word ) of a zebra. For those who don't know, or think they are not too sure, a zebra is that striped black and white animal that is found in the African Serengeti. And I ate its hiney today!!

To be honest, it's just like a beef steak, but I think it tastes better. It has a flavour that wasn't cultivated on a farm! This animal roamed free for its whole life (until shooter Joe culled it down) and all its life's experiences were etched in it's meat... OK, I'm talking rubbish, but you have to admit, eating game is cool! Even the family sitting next at the table next to us stopped, stared and gossiped about my zebra!

I just have to add this in... this is for all the naive idiots who can't take the time to learn more about the world in which they live- Africa is nicknamed the "Dark Continent", but it shouldn't be- we are just as sophisticated as the rest of the world. We do have televisions and microwaves... we have tarred roads and multi-storey buildings... we DO NOT live in mud huts or trees, we DO NOT keep lions and giraffes and buffaloes as pets ( we have normal pets like cats, dogs, goldfish, hamsters, etc).. so to answer your question, I DID NOT eat my pet zebra!!!

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